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"I made $291,462 in just one month with my own coaching app"
Nikki Bianco
Slice Squad
“Launching an app without would have cost thousands and taken ages!”
Tiffany Wilkerson
Tiffany Wilkerson
Results Earned
"Take a leap of faith, trust the process, do the training. With Passion you'll learn so much about sales & building a business"
Ellen Decker
Fit in Twenty

Everything Spiritual

How Everything Spiritual uses their app to save time and decrease stress


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More success stories like

Everything Spiritual

$20,000+ revenue generated

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Fit in Twenty
$20,000+ revenue generated

How Colin Hiles stays in the pockets of the UK’s most successful CEOs

Ellen Decker
Fit in Twenty
$20,000+ revenue generated

How Colin Hiles stays in the pockets of the UK’s most successful CEOs

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Fit in Twenty

Hear what customers have to say

Everything Spiritual

How Everything Spiritual uses their app to save time and decrease stress

From push notifications to decreasing stress, discover how Everything Spiritual uses their own app to help clients become better versions of themselves.

Enhanced in-person offerings

Less stress and more freedom

Growing client base that sees real changes in their life

Everything Spiritual
Benjamin McLean
This makes the product so much better
Samuel Manning
Love it!!

Everything Spiritual


Annual Revenue


Everything Spiritual

did it

How Everything Spiritual uses their app to save time and decrease stress

Everything Spiritual’s journey is the ultimate success story. Celebrating a combined 12 years of sobriety, owners Carrie and Andrew know all too well about the struggle with alcohol and substance abuse and what’s needed to truly overcome the addiction.

“Discovering Reiki, sound healing and meditation helped us get sober and stay sober, without experiencing cravings or relapses.”

As naturally giving people, they wanted to help others experience the same results. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, grief, heartbreak, mental health issues, or addiction, the team at Everything Spiritual curated the tools and practices needed to set up a life of balance, happiness and success.

That’s how their first mediation studio was born. It’s a collection of, as Carrie puts it, “everything spiritual” and a place where students learn to become their best selves.

As their concept grew, however, Everything Spiritual experienced some growing pains. They discovered that their 1 million+ followers on TikTok wanted more, and trying to meet that demand sent them looking to create their own app.

Passion made an app a possibility, without breaking the bank

Creating their own app with Passion was a possibility that the duo behind Everything Spiritual didn’t think was possible. Along with affordable pricing options, Passion offered the simplified look and aesthetic they were after.

“We looked at other platforms, but they were extremely expensive — around $800 a month, and I didn’t like the layout or templates. And we knew that starting from scratch was around 60K. Passion drew me in with how simplified it looked. Plus, we’re super excited about the number of features already included and the ones on the way, like live streaming.

I think most people have the idea that you have to invest thousands of dollars into launching an app. But that’s far from the truth. The overhead costs are incredibly low, and I love how Passion is always improving and evolving features!”

Having their own app enhances in-person offerings

Using their own app to reach clients who can’t come to the meditation studio is one thing. The real eye-opener came when the team realized they can offer their app as a way to further enhance in-person offerings. 

“Now I have something to offer clients who are going through something challenging in their lives. In the past, they would ask if we had online recordings of our meditations that we could provide. It’s really nice to have an app where they can keep themselves accountable and find help when they need it.”

Push notifications and fantastic support

For a growing business, having 24/7 support is paramount.

“Knowing that you have the full support of the team at Passion takes a lot of stress and pressure off. That’s so important when starting something new like creating an app. 

Everything was super simple and made easy for us in the beginning and it continues to be that way. I'm not a tech person but the way they format things is nice and easy.”

At Passion, we’re dedicated to staying close to our Creators. It’s their feedback that helps us constantly innovate and create features that meet their needs. Take push notifications for example. The team at Everything Spiritual loves them.

“It’s amazing how they’re constantly adding new features and making Passion better and better. You can feel the passion they have for what they do, and they’re always finding new ways to help their clients grow our businesses by adding new features!”

How their own app saves them time, labor and stress

We asked the duo behind Everything Spiritual what their business would be like without their own app. And their response is echoed by so many Creators, Teachers, and Coaches around the world.

“Getting our own app came at a time that was very difficult for every business. During the pandemic, we had many discussions about what our business was going to look like. We even had plans to open a second studio, but the stress would have been too much.

Being able to work online and grow an online studio is the best thing that’s ever happened to us.

Life without our app would feel like a lot of labor and grinding. Sure, having an app takes work. But it’s not the same as showing up, running a studio, and dealing with cleaning, expensive overhead, employees, and tons of other stresses that come with a business.

We still run our small studio, but now that we have an app. We don’t feel we need to open a larger studio or even have as many classes as we used to.

The balance we’ve created now is more manageable and provides us the freedom that we want our students to find in their lives, too.”

Teresa Barcelo's PassionFighter Tip

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Ellen's PassionFighter Tip

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Savannah's PassionFighter Tip

“Getting our own app came at a time that was very difficult for every business. During the pandemic, we had many discussions about what our business was going to look like. We even had plans to open a second studio, but the stress would have been too much.

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Everything Spiritual
On a roll! :)
Feeling strong!!!!

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